Ethiopia Yirgacheffe

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  • Brand:: Happy Joe - CBD Coffee


Enjoy Happy Joe’s CBD coffee no matter how you brew at home. Perfect for use in your coffee maker, French press, or even make your own Cold Brew. Medium Roast 10oz Bag, 360mg CBD per bag Approx. 18 servings 20mg CBD per serving**Based on 15g ground coffee per 8oz of water Acid: Medium Body: Low Flavor Profile: Soft and floral coffee from Yirgacheffe. Sweet peach, lemon zest, and jasmine tea are supported by subtle flavors of caramel and green apple with a hint of tea leaf tannin. Ethiopia is the birthplace of coffee, with cultivation beginning in the 9th century. This single origin is one of the most classic coffees in the world. Sourced from smallholder farms around the town of Kochere, and hand sorted for quality. Washed and sun dried heirloom varietal.